Archive for August, 2011


August and very litle progress, I’m getting concerned!

August 13, 2011

Preparation for my Johannesburg to London trip has somewhat slowed.

The entire suspension was removed and duly sandblasted but I found out from Mike Hanna, a well known rally Imp builder in the UK, that the car I have decided to use is not as well built as the earlier models. It is a Chrysler 1972 Super Imp and on closer inspection it is evident that money was definitely spared when the parts were put together from day one. So I have decided to use the rear suspension set up of a much earlier model that seems much stronger.

Another surprise for me was the discovery that two of the brake drums were cracked with 4 star like cracks around the wheel stud holes. So these will have to be replaced also.

Johan my travel buddy has serviced the brake and clutch cylinders and has also almost completed the re=upholstery of the dashboard.

I will be painting the car the same colour scheme as my Racing Imp which is white with green panels. It will be predominantly white to counter in at least a tiny way the blazing sun we will encounter on our African leg of the journey.

A concern for us was the recent unhappiness in the streets of Egypt and the simmerings in some of the other African states we had planned to travel through. We definitely did not expect to find London burning! Hope the good old Bobbies have it well sorted by the time we arrive there in 2013.


July (cold) fever!

August 13, 2011

progress is slow, can i blame the cooooold wether? perhaps a little then. But i ask you then, how do people in England work on their cars? firstly they probably have to work in rain EVERY time they attempt to go near their cars and with space being in high demand they probably have to carry out their work outdoors and some even on the roadsides near where they live.
so since i have a massive set of carports and garages, a climate that is rain free for 8 months of the year with just a little coolness during the early mornings and nighttimes i believe i have no real excuse as to why i have been slow to progress on my Imp for the trip to Coventry.

i recently heard of a few South African girls will be driving an ambulance from London to Mongolia as part of the Mongol Rally, god speed girls!